The other morning I was up at an odd hour. Very early. I turned on the television for some background noise to accompany my insomnia. An American Pastor was holding a sermon, talking about our ‘moral compass and a committed life’. He implored, 37 ‘Let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no’. Matthew 5:37 Common English Bible.
It really resonated with me, yet I am no means what I describe as ‘religious’. The Pastor went on to say if you are certain with what you do and commit, you’ll have a satisfying life. He went on to say you must know your ‘no and your yes and know why‘. It made sense. In no uncertain terms it’s hard to write about the ‘small things’ that we’ve been doing via Rotary New Farm when there’s the conflict that can only be described as an avalanche of horror and the ravages of humanitarian crises with thousands of lives lost: the war between Israel and Hamas. The actions of the Palestinian militant group that controls the Gaza Strip and Israel’s military objectives in Gaza is beyond comprehension. On our minds is, ‘what is the situation for people both in Gaza and Israel and what will happen next in the Israel-Gaza war? The images and news is harrowing and up to the minute due to the globally connected world we are in. We can only draw breath and be thankful the peace we have in our lives. Rotary and its ‘good’ provides a distraction, in part.
At our last members’ meeting Rotarian Phil Saxby generously donated his time as guest speaker. Phil is a key volunteer in a Rotary projects with RAWCS including hospital and dental clinic refurbishments, repurposing equipment and maintenance in the south-sea Islands, including Lolowai Hospital in Vanuatu. The grants project and Rotary funding includes servicing equipment, training college support, floorings, window repairs and installs, equipment renewals and logistics and management support. In a sobering moment Phil reminded us that some 30,000 peoples came to Australia and were subsequently enslaved as ‘blackbirds’ or slaves. Starting from the 1860s, tens of thousands of Pacific Islanders were taken to Australia to work on plantations in Queensland, often by force or trickery. You can read more about blackbirding here and the ABC’s story about Phil and volunteers here is an informative read. Images below include Phil Saxby and Rotary New Farm members, President Monica, Dani, Frank and Gary.

Our next Guest Speaker is Rotarian Tino Babao ‘Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group’ (FPSRAG) This group helps people overcome hunger and malnutrition and ensure food security, by providing self-help solutions, using easy to understand, science-based education materials. You can read more about Food Plant Solutions here. Let us know by contacting our President Monica Fraser via the email below if you’d ever like to join our meeting and benefit from the experiences of our incredibly knowledgeable and generous guest speakers.
Great Bunnings BBQs! If I am honest Bunnings now has a new association for me! Once the realm of ‘stuck doing household chores today with Bunnings purchases‘ (expressed with waning enthusiasm) it’s now a sense of gratitude and volunteer satisfaction for the infrastructure Bunnings Newstead offer for their fund-raiser opportunity snag-in-a-slice of bread snack when you ‘duck to Bunnings’. We want to shout-out to community events manager at Newstead Bunnings, Matt, who always looks after us so well. As some of you might know funds raised go straight to local beneficiaries for example our District Officer for National Youth Science Forum always has keen applicants for academic and personal enrichment programs looking for some financial assistance to reach this goal. Our two Bunnings sausage sizzles have raised around $3800 so far, we thank each and everyone of you who volunteered or bought a snag! Images below include some Rotary members and volunteers planning the logistics, cooking and preparing to serve at the 28 October sausage sizzle!

What’s coming up?
Save the Date Community Projects – Light Up Carols December 3 in beautiful New Farm Park!
Do you sing in the shower? Now is your chance to sing at Light Up Carols on the 3rd December, starting at 5pm! The event is sponsored by Brisbane City Council, Cr Vicki Howard, Merthyr Village, Suncorp and the Queensland Show Choir! Plus we have the lovely Victoria Carthew as compere on stage with the Queensland Show Choir! There’ll be a sausage sizzle, soft drinks, water station and you can bring your picnic rug, chair and other non-alcoholic refreshments. There’s an increasing amount of evidence that singing releases endorphins, serotonin and dopamine – the ‘happy’ chemicals that boost your mood and make you feel good about yourself. Scientists believe that’s one of the reasons why people report being on a high during choir sessions and continuing to feel positive, uplifted and motivated afterwards. Read more about how joining the audience for Rotary New Farm’s Light Up Carols can help you here.
While you are practising your singing why don’t you enter our Colour-In and Light Up competition? This competition is open to all ages. Download the image below and colour by hand (any media) or computer – aided – if you are feeling creative you can add yourself, friends and family arriving at Light Up Carols December 3 into the picture. Be as arty as you like!
Send your creative endeavour to — be certain to include your name!
You can option to upload your colour-in on your social media – tag Instagram or Facebook @Rotary_New_Farm and @brisbanecitycouncil and @villagevoicebris. Three prize winners be drawn November 30 at 5pm and will be notified by Rotary New Farm. Prizes include art packs from Eckersley’s. Get your entries in! The colour-in drawing above of New Farm Park entrance by Chelsea Lomandra (2024) from Studio Lomandra, Samford Village, @studiolomandra.
Would you like to volunteer? Help others with RARE! Read about RARE here . RARE (Rotary Australia Repurposing Equipment) focuses on being the resource for Rotary clubs and community groups in collating and distributing valuable donated goods for local and overseas projects. At Rotary New Farm we are volunteers who are passionate about the circular economy and making sure that materials and equipment of value and standard are not just eliminated to landfill.
New Farm Rotary has been rostered to be at RARE in Alexandra Hills on the 2nd December 2023, to sort and unpack donations. Every hour helps. If anyone can assist please let us know ASAP by contacting our President Monica on the email below and we can forward you the necessary paperwork and field any questions.
Email –
Would you like to join our RNF life? We’d love to have you! We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings at 6.45am for 7:00am at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre. At our morning meetings we alternatively discuss our projects, discuss our RNF club business or host an interesting and topical presenter.
New Farm Neighbourhood Centre
967 Brunswick St, New Farm QLD 4005
Across the road from New Farm Park
Leave us a comment if you’d like information about memberships! And, if you can – please Share this post! See you at Light Up Carols!
Get in touch – email President Monica:
Join us on social media:
Facebook page Rotary Club New Farm