
For Just over a Dollar a Day.

There is nothing quite like enjoying a lunch at a nice restaurant and then stepping outside to find transport home and seeing the signs of people sleeping rough. It kicks you ‘in the guts’ or ‘right where it hurts’ as they say. You would not be human if this does not resonate. I had this experience recently and I felt confident, replying to my friend who was lamenting the ‘homelessness situation’.

You need to join Rotary. That’s right, join Rotary. You can do something’, I implored.

The heart of Rotary is dedicated members, who share the ideals of service, friendship, diversity, integrity, and leadership.

Rotary clubs bring together people across generations who wish to create lasting change in the world, in their communities, and in themselves. Rotary and members around the world strengthen their connections to friends and neighbours taking action through service. Rotary’s heart is working with communities.

This year 1-7 August was Homelessness Week. The Salvation Army (2023) estimates over 100,000 Australians will be homeless tonight. Rotary New Farm is proud to support 3rd Space being part of the fabric of organisations that provide support, friendship and dignity to those who have homelessness and related issues. 3rd Space is a day centre with access to Anglicare staff, showers, cafe, legal and medical health agencies including mental health care. Chef Andy from 3rd Space’s cafe is always gratefully receiving donations of non-perishables – long-life milk, cereals, porridge, biscuits, tinned soups and tinned vegetables and fruits are always needed. The Brunswick Street pantry – just near the Brunswick Hotel also needs non-perishables. Contact Rotary New Farm via the President Monica’s email below or leave a comment if you’d like to donate and we can help you with logistics. We are here to help!

Images below include: Top L to R. Rotary International meme promoting ‘the Rotary difference’. 3rd Space’s main entrance, Rotary New Farm’s non-perishable grocery drop-off this week, National Homelessness Week reminder from 3rd Space.

The statistics around homelessness are dire.

  • 42% of people experiencing homelessness are under 24 years old
  • Over 17,845 are children under 12 years old
  • There are over 9,700 homeless people in Brisbane on any given night (an alarming 1.97% of the population)

Image above: people experiencing homelessness, camped on Queen Street, Brisbane City.

Homelessness can be caused by: poverty, unemployment, lack of affordable housing, poor physical or mental health, drug and alcohol abuse, gambling, family and relationship breakdown, domestic violence and physical and/or sexual abuse. Any of these factors can lead a person to become homeless. They can also be one of the reasons why a person chooses to remain homeless.

Did you know that for way less than one cafe coffee per day, you can join Rotary? Our yearly fee is just over one dollar per day. It seemed fitting that this week we made two visits to support agencies that provide strategies and professional care to people with homelessness and associated issues. Our second visit was seeing the ‘New Beginnings’ Art Show coming to life from the art classes run by Dani Williams at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre. Enjoy some ‘work in progress photos’ below and do not miss the show – it’s September 2, 11am – 3pm at St Michaels All Angels Hall, 655 Brunswick St, New Farm. We also got to view Sally Anderson’s exhibition “Carrying Flood Face Flowers” in Edwina Corlette’s beautiful light-filled art gallery when we popped in to say thank you for her support for this creative initiative!


Images above: a colourful assortment of artists at New Farm Neighbourhood Centre working on their pieces, member Melinda and ‘New Beginnings’ art show leader Dani enjoying Edwina Corlette’s latest show with artist Sally Anderson’s colour soaked work. Image below: the front window of Edwina Corlette gallery.

It was also with great enthusiasm that we welcome the inception of a new Rotary Club in Brisbane with a visit from Craig Bowen Briz Pride Rotary Club, chartering on the 19 August. Rotary Club of New Farm is proud to have supported this club’s launch. Check out the close-up of the Rotary Wheel branding with the rainbow heart on Craig’s lapel – an approved Rotary International piece of merchandise.

Images below include the new Pride and Rotary Wheel pin worn on Craig’s lapel, Rotary New Farm members seated at the meeting table with Craig in the blue jacket, members Dani and Frank.

Wrapping up, Village Voice magazine printed a community minded ‘village comment’ by 3rd Space Board member and Rotary New Farm member Holstein Wong. Holstein took over the column as a guest writer from Mike O’Connor, while Mike was on leave. It’s a great article that really spotlights knowing your ‘hood.

We also enjoyed great coverage from Village Voice magazine via ‘V News – Rotary happenings’ by Prue Hartley. The ‘New Beginnings’ art show and the Pride of Workmanship Awards coming up both received a great shout-out! Image below is the ‘Rotary happenings’ article, August 23.

Do you love our RNF life? We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings at 6.45am for 7:00am at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre. At our morning meetings we alternatively discuss our projects, discuss our RNF club business or host an interesting and topical presenter. #rotarynewfarm #rotary9260 #PeopleOfAction #JoinRotary #brisbanepride #rotaryclubbrizpride

Leave us a comment if you’d like information about memberships! And, if you can – please Share this post!

Get in touch – email President Monica:

Join us on social media:

Facebook business page Rotary Club of New Farm
