We’ve hit the ground running just like the influx of ‘new year’ walkers and joggers, signalling a freshly minted year! In the last three weeks we’ve popped up twice at the the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre, firstly on 16th December, then on 6th January. We sizzled a few snags and gave cold drinks away; and enjoyed great conversations with visitors to the centre. Fair to say, we met a great bunch of people.
Images below include the NFNC notice board and Rotary New Farm Members and Friends from L to R, Mark, Melinda, Holstein, Pres Monica, Monte, Penny and Leeanne.

Keen to connect and collaborate? We have set a date 7th February, for a networking dinner, inviting community-based service agencies and businesses in New Farm and surrounding areas. Member Penny is organising the (delicious) dinner menu and the venue is the always fabulous Stratton Bar and Kitchen. You can secure a ticket here for $60 pp including entrée and mains (share plates). Cash and EF bar available. https://www.trybooking.com/COAVF
“Community Based Networking is creating valuable relationships with like-minded people by engaging within a community, group or network of individuals who share an interest, concern or purpose.” Source: Community Based Networking (2023) https://guild.co/blog/community-based-networking/
Rotary New Farm’s first community-based marketing event is set to become our inaugural ‘community dinner’. We appreciate that there are many service agencies and businesses in and around the New Farm area. We believe that being an active presence (and service provider) in these communities is the best way to continue a sustainable network and club. We hope that meeting like-minded groups and individuals is an experience that generates collaboration and worthwhile value. At Rotary New Farm it feels good to connect and share with others. We do things by heart, and now more than ever this is needed.
Community Based Networking is driven by the ideal, “What can I add to this community?” versus “What can I get from others in this community?”. If this is your kind of thinking, then this dinner night is for you. We look forward to seeing you at our event! It is going to be an incredible evening including a guest speaker from the Queensland Brain Institute and the opportunity for service groups, individuals and business to stand-up and discuss their vision and values. Please share our invite with your networks. Friends and family are most welcome.
We are also a year older this week! Here is our e-birthday message all the way from India!
Happy Charter Day to us!
Dear President Monica Fraser
Your rotary club of New Farm was chartered on January 4, 2013, which is today. Your club completed 11 years service today in RI District 9620 in serving the communities across the world. I would like to extend my warm wishes to you and to all your club members on this joyous moment.
Rotary is the only organization which has global foot print and is working towards happy communities across the world with its noble initiatives. Thanks to our Rotary club founder Rtn Paul Harris, we are able to make a difference in the communities where we live. Rotary clubs across the world execut service projects worth 2 billion dollars every year in their communities. Rotarians gives 25 million volunteer hours to their communities across the world every year.
Thanks and regards
Suren Poruri
District Chairman – Global Grants
Rotary New Farm is proud to note that we have a student representing us at The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF). Last year, Board Member Melinda (Public Image and Youth Services) went along to an inner north Brisbane High School to meet the candidate while in Year 11. The NYSF is a Year 12 program designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to encourage continued studies in these fields. Our sponsored student will be at the University of Queensland, Brisbane (12-20 January 2024). They will have the opportunity to participate in tours of science and technology facilities, learn about cutting-edge research, engage with industry partners and research providers, learn about university, training and STEM career pathways, mix with other like-minded students from all over Australia, participate in social and team building activities, and network with former NYSF participants. Students that are funded by Rotary to attend the Program often retain contact with their supporting Rotary Club long-term and can go on to further hone their leadership skills through Rotary youth pathways. We are looking forward to hearing from our student later in the year where they will report back to us; giving a presentation on their NYSF experience.
Looking ahead we on 17th January at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre, a guest speaker has been arranged. Linda McKey works for Childrens Queensland Health and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) which is a free service that helps support the social emotional well-being of babies, young children, and their families. We are always incredibly appreciative of these speakers and the time they dedicate. Let us know if you’d like to attend the meeting as a guest or ‘Friend of Rotary’. You’d be most welcome!
Coming up, we are supporting Cr. Vicki Howard and Brisbane City Council’s 26th January Citizenship Ceremony in New Farm Park.
Save the date! Fancy an invite to a new bridge opening? On the 27th January we’ll hold a BBQ in Newstead Park 7am to 10am for opening of a new ‘green’ bridge. We do lots of great things with the funds we raise, supporting local service groups and granting scholarships for young people to avail themselves to course in STEM and personal development.
But, that aside back to the star of the day! Set to span 80 metres, the Breakfast Creek green bridge will feature dedicated pathways for pedestrians and cyclists, all while extending the river-walk over to Newstead Park. If you are a fan of green bridges – which indeed we are, appearance-wise, arches feature prominently — and the design will be decked out in hues that match the Moreton Bay Fig trees. At its landing point at Newstead Park, it’ll be designed to integrate easily with the park’s heritage look. The bridge will also connect the CBD with Olympics Athletes Village that’s planned for Northshore Hamilton during the 2032 Olympics. Best of all – Rotary New Farm will be there on the day and there will be a few sausages to sizzle! Please join us! We’ll wake up bright and early on 27th January and would love to see you! Volunteers are welcome, please email Pres Monica for all enquiries. The email is at the bottom of this WordPress.
A wee reminder! Would you like to join our RNF life? We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings at 6.45am for 7:00am at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre. You can also ask for a Zoom link!
We had a great 2023, but we are REALLY stretched for members and volunteers. Would you like to make a difference? Would you like to contribute to supporting social injustice in the areas around New Farm, Fortitude Valley and Teneriffe? Learn lots of new things? There’s rich rewards for you that money cannot buy. At our morning meetings we alternatively discuss our projects, discuss our RNF club business or host an interesting and topical presenter. Come along as a guest!
Email President Monica – president.newfarm@rotary9620.org