
Imagine Rotary to Create Hope: Changeover 2023-24

Juggling, climbing Mt Warning, being ravaged by mozzies and lantana, ‘future proofing’ yourself, a nod to Yorrick (or actually Neanderthal man) were all part of Rotary New Farm’s 2023 – 24 ‘Changeover’ event hosted by the Brunswick Hotel. This evening saw us bid a fond farewell to President Sue MacKenzie (2022-23) and warmly welcome President (2023-24) Monica Fraser.

Image below: Monica engaging the audience at ‘Changeover’.

We also welcomed special guests, the Hon Grace Grace MP, Stephen Bates MP, Cr Vicki Howard, PDG Darryl Iseppi and Laura Iseppi, PDG Chris Wright and DFO Michell Wright, AG Bruce McNaught and Cheryl, author and special guest speaker John Hale and Johanna, and Michael Hawke. We recognised visiting Rotarians and thanked them for the support.

Image below: the dynamic and ever forward-thinking ‘Strategy Guy’ John Hale, our guest speaker getting ready to take the stage.

RNF member Monte Huebsch started proceedings with the toast to Rotary International after essential housekeeping information that included an Acknowledgement of Country. Monte included outlining Rotary’s 7 Areas of Service. Monte went on to say, ‘Our youth is the future and we must invest in the future or, where will we end up?’ Reminding us to take nothing for granted.

Image below: Monte delivering his heartfelt toast to Rotary International.

We enjoyed the Minister for McConnel Hon Grace Grace, (Education, Industrial Relations and Racing) sharing an insight into her portfolio and Past District Governor Chris Wright’s speech around Rotary International’s overarching aims for 2023-24. Chris urged us to look out for each other and identified sectors with disproportionate numbers of those who are struggling, for example in rural communities, including farmers. ‘Who is not coping?’, Chris implored us to think about ‘who needs what’. He reminded us to check in with Rotary International President Gordon R, McInally’s message around opening the discourse and the ‘doing’ in the mental health space. Asking, what can we do? How can we talk about Rotary’s role to others? How can we show people what we do? Public Image District Coordinator Darryl Iseppi – also an RNF charter member then provided the response to the Rotary International toast, supporting the sentiments for both Monte and Chris’ messages.

Image below: Past District Governor Chris addressing the great turn-out for Changeover 2023-24.

Soon it was time to be motivated by the highly anticipated ‘Strategy Guy’, John Hale. We enjoyed an entrée of ‘truffled mushroom arancini balls and Szechuan peppered calamari’ while embarking on John’s presentation starting with a mountain climbing metaphor, warning us to have more in place than ‘just Plan B’ and that we need a ‘strategic mindset’ to navigate the future. The visuals included a ‘strategic mindset focus’ graphic organiser, unpacking influential megatrends, the barbell hack (weigh out your odds!) and brain health.

John got us thinking, ‘How are we going to ‘sail into the future’?’ Are we someone who often asks, ‘what just happened?’ ‘or, do we ‘make things happen’? Are we a creature of habit, repeating the same mistakes? 

How can our ‘mindset’ change our habits?

Image below: John Hale talks about brain evolution. 

My key takeaway was around diet and lifestyle and the physiology of the shrinking cerebral cortex. John Hale explained its essential to keep the outer layer of brain healthy. How can you do this? Learn new things! Travel – learn a new language – try ‘brain hacks’ like juggling. Juggling connects parts of the brain – so start juggling today! Well done to AG Bruce who lent John his own skull to compare the brain’s physical dimensions around ‘homosapien v’s Neanderthal’.

Image below: AG Bruce engages in John Hale’ audience participation.

Main meal was then served. By all accounts a great cut of eye fillet, garlic mash and greens beans or barramundi with a chat potato salad and salsa. PGDs Darryl and Chris then presented the new members’ induction (Honorary or otherwise), so welcomed – Hon MP Grace Grace, MP Stephen Bates and Frank Thompson. Presidents present and past Monica and Sue assisted with badges. Image below: PDG Darryl and PGD Chris officiating the new members’ induction with Hon MP Grace Grace about to receive her badge, with President Sue (2022-23) looking on.

Image below: MP Brisbane Central Stephen Bates receives his Honorary membership.

Outgoing President Sue then recapped the great year she has had at the helm of RNF providing a financial report, while Cr Vicki Howard then delivered a perfectly executed tribute to past RNF Presidents. Sue recalled how Jennifer Jones (outgoing International President) had inspired her to make a difference and Secretary 2023-24 Denise’s initial use of the motto, ‘we are people of service’, really got her thinking. Sue’s achievements include that RNF has grown 35% under her reign and that the carols night, Gatsby fundraiser, RNF 10th anniversary celebrations, ‘New Beginnings’ Art show, collaboration with the New Farm Neighborhood Centre, 3rd Space and the volunteer program at New Farm State School would be forever treasured memories of great privilege she had been given. Sue congratulated her Board and Executives and gave Graeme (Past Secretary/Youth Protection, Treasurer and Risk Management) the opportunity to be the ‘best PA (Secretary) a girl could have!’. Excellent work, Graeme!

Image below: congratulating Graeme on his RNF portfolio work.

In closing, past President Sue reminded us to look for innovation and flexibility, promote inclusion and look for change. ‘Change is good – we will all shrivel otherwise’, were her wise words. For all who know her, these are words that Sue lives by, that is most evident.

Image below: Sue making her departure speech from President of RNF.

President 2023-24 Monica stepped up, recapping theme, ‘Creating hope in the world,’ building on the Paul Harris legacy and our nearly 11 year old club’s potential. Inviting members to look to the future, staying committed to the Christmas carols evening – the art show – New Farm State School community garden volunteers, youth services recipients, food pantry and 3rd Space and more. Monica smiled as she reminded us she is looking for input for the strategic plan, explaining, ‘‘It’s not coming only out of my head’. We are all in this together. It was then time to further introduce the new Executives and Board of Directors for 2023-24: including Melinda (Youth Services/Public Relations) Penny (Public Relations) Lucia (Treasurer) and Denise (Secretary). Existing in the roles we have Maryanne (Community Projects) and Mark (The Rotary Foundation: Australia Rotary Health). We congratulated this new team (and the work of ‘old’) and then excitedly drew the raffle prizes! Image below: Rotary New Farm members, Executives and Board.

If you are reading this and donated a raffle prize and/or bought tickets. Thank you! We are always looking for raffle prizes, so anytime you have something, feel welcome to contact our President via the email below. We are also most grateful to Penny and Dani for organising the sales of tickets on the night!


We hope you enjoy recap of ‘Changeover 2023-24’. If you would like to join New Farm Rotary, please contact Monica Fraser if you’d like to attend our meetings and ‘get to know Rotary’? We’d love to see you! 

Photography credit to Erika Myer Photography. E: if you like to book a photography event with Erika.

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings at 6.45am for 7:00am at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre. At our morning meetings we alternatively discuss our projects, discuss our RNF club business or host an interesting and topical presenter.

New Farm Neighbourhood Centre Phone: (07) 3358 5600
New Farm Neighbourhood Centre – Location: 967 Brunswick St, New Farm Qld 4005