If you are wondering, ‘why you are here?’ You are exactly where you need to be! We’ve had the most wonderful ten days or so, brace yourself for Rotary New Farm’s life as it was! We’ve included two working bees, one vocational visit, on live on air radio interview, the much anticipated ‘New Beginnings’ art show finalisation and launch and the transition to further planning the Pride of Workmanship awards!
Did you go to ‘Riverfire’? RNF made our own explosion of colour and movement on Saturday 2 September! Did you join us? You missed something very special. Images below include Markus’ Riverfire paintings and some of the NFNC art group participants with RNF member Dani.

It is pretty fair to say the ‘New Beginnings’ art show was a wonderful success. Community art programs can make a difference. Instilling creativity, confidence, forging inclusion and connection. The art classes Rotary New Farm member and ‘New Beginnings’ leader Dani Williams held each Thursday at the NFNC provided opportunities for participants to express themselves and share stories while developing knowledge and artistic skills. We also want to thank those who worked to make the day a success – more on that later. We transformed the serene and revered ambiance of St Michaels All Angels to a colourful cacophony celebrating the talents of this group. Image below: a ‘before and after’ of St Michaels All Angels. L to R – one image is the polished wooden pews and patterned carpet runner – the next image colourful artworks set up across the pews.

Behind the scenes of any event there’s always people working incredibly hard and we managed to broadcast to thousands of people in just one go – on live radio. The interview was part of the ‘Spring Connections Week’ broadcasting, described as ‘people coming together with shared interests, interviewees coming in to chat, and seeing what groups do and they are about’. At 9.40 am on Friday 1st September President Monica and Miranda, the Coordinator from the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre were live on air on 612 ABC Brisbane! Talking all things community connections and the amazing artists of the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre ‘New Beginnings’ art show. You can hear the interview here. Go to about the 1 hour 7 min mark, to hear our radio stars. The whole Morning Show with Rebecca Levingston is worth a listen!
Below images show a photo gallery of the day. Images include Cr Vicki Howard, donated raffles, Father Olaf, some of our guests and artworks.

We want to thank the artists of the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre, our generous guests who bought artworks and raffle tickets, RNF art show leader and member Dani Williams, Miranda, Marilyn and staff, St Michaels All Angels – Father Olaf, Tim, Edwina Corlette Gallery, Cr Vicki Howard, Robert, MP Stephen Bates, Village Voice, SFH Designs Boutique, RNF members and friends, ABC 612 – Rebecca Levingston, Rachel Mealy and Kat Feeney, Andrew Lovett, Suncorp. You are gold.
Moving on, last week’s fourth Wednesday of the month meeting included a vocational visit to Arafmi The first ARAFMI group was formed in Sydney in 1975 by a concerned group of carers who identified the need for a service that would specifically address the concerns of carers, relatives and friends. Originally ARAFMI was an acronym for Association of Relatives And Friends of the Mentally Ill. You can access ARAFMI to get help and support if you’re responsible for looking after someone who has a disability, is elderly or has become ill. This can range from practical help to make day-to-day life easier to benefits like carer’s allowance. Whether you need help navigating the NDIS, looking for support services for yourself or a loved one or simply need someone you can talk to who understands, ARAFMI can assist. You contact ARAFMI’S office on 07 3254 1881
Image below: a staff member from ARAFMI takes RNF New Farm members L to R Dani, Maryanne and Monica on a tour of the support agency in New Farm. They are standing on a renovated veranda of an ‘old Queenslander’ style home. The home is painted using a palette of white tones.
After the vocational visit and the working bee at St Michaels All Angels some of RNF enjoyed a visit to Cafe On to discuss the upcoming RNF POW awards. A much need high energy sugar and caffeine hit was sought and received.
Images below include Cafe On’s blueberry muffin, beverages and the cute servery with the black and white awning. There are menu boards under the awning.

Does your business have POW? The Rotary Club of New Farm invites you to participate or attend the 2023 “Pride of Workmanship” Award Scheme or ‘POW’. Let us know if you would like a nomination form. The awards presentation dinner will honour employees, employers, local heroes (perhaps working in a not-for-profit or charitable) in New Farm and surrounds. Successful nominees will receive their awards at the presentation dinner to be organised by the Rotary Club of New Farm at Stratton Bar and Kitchen Wednesday 4th October 2023, 6pm for 6.30pm. You read more about Stratton Bar and Kitchen here. It’s going to be a fantastic night!
Images below: The POW invitation and QR code and some of last year’s award recipients with 2022-23 President Sue.

In other news and in the spirit of supporting small business Sarah owner of SFH Designs boutique (member 2022-23 and RNF friend) was invited to the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress’ lunch table with a group of like-minded small business owners to discuss, ‘how local council could support them’. This event was part of the Brisbane City Council’s supporting small business initiatives plan. Image: Sarah owner of SFH Designs boutique is with Cr Vicki Howard at the ‘Lord Mayor’s Women in Business Luncheon’. By all accounts, the dialogue was pertinent and supportive for all attendees.
Finally, honary member MP for Brisbane Central Stephen Bates has let us know that his office is now a drop-off point for ‘Hope in a Suitcase’. You can read more about this charitable initiative here. If you are in a position to drop off donations please do, or let us know how we can help you.

Would you like to join our RNF life? We’d love to have you! We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings at 6.45am for 7:00am at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre. At our morning meetings we alternatively discuss our projects, discuss our RNF club business or host an interesting and topical presenter.
New Farm Neighbourhood Centre
967 Brunswick St, New Farm QLD 4005
Across the road from New Farm Park
Leave us a comment if you’d like information about memberships! And, if you can – please Share this post!
Get in touch – email President Monica: president.newfarm@rotary9620.org
Join us on social media:
Facebook page Rotary Club New Farm https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095541392442
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rotary_new_farm/
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